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Posts published in “Fiscal Investor News”

News related to become a Fiscal Investor….A FI Wizard.

And it gets Worse- Signature Bank is shut down.

economic crisis stock chart falling down business global money bankruptcy concept

This is the 3rd largest bank failure in US history in 72 hours! The 2nd (SVB) was 2 days ago. First Republic Bank is down 70% in premarket. The banking sector is getting crushed today in the premarket. Here is the list of top 3 failures.

  1. Washington Mutual 2008
  2. Silicon Valley Financial Group 3/10/23
  3. Signature Bank 3/13/23

Are you starting to see a trend? There is more to come. The Fed Rate hikes are dead because the threat to the banking sector is real now. The Fed wanted a recession, guess what we just got one.

More to come later but expect the market to sell off again. Don’t try to catch a falling knife…..otherwise the blood is on your hands.

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