Technical Analysis is a way to look for stock opportunities based on trends. There are many different versions of charts and metrics to see changes in sentiment. It Is based on many factors buy mainly price movement and volume. These metrics are used by many to predict movement of stocks based on inflows/outflows of money into a stock. In time, we will be highlighting many different ways to identify trends. Please don’t base any trades on technical analysis until you have a firm understanding of the methodology. For everyone stock that a chart says it is a buy, there is a chart saying it is a sell. Experience and education will assist you on making informed decisions.
One of the favorite sites is Trading View.
Education will be key. Over time, we will start highlighting some strategies that could help. Please keep in mind, investing is not easy and there will always be losers. This is why we will always preach stop losses. It is easier to make up a 10% loss with a 11.1% gain in the next trade. A 50% loss will require a 100% gain which is extremely difficult even for the pros.
You should invest when you have the education, diversification, and willingness to take a loss. Otherwise, invest in mutual funds or ETFs. If you aren’t willing to take a loss or can’t diversify, buy a CD. Protection against investment loss is a big trait of a Fiscal Investor!
Learning more about Technical Analysis- Coming Soon!
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